Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sex After Children, How To Put The Fire Back Into Your Marriage

Those precious toddler years, chasing the children around the home, juggling schedules with your spouse, endless moms groups, no wonder there is not time for sex.  You and your spouse are so busy with the kids, and maintaining the "life" that you have forgotten about each other.  A couple can go through this for a few years and then slowly bounce back to spending time together again, but for the couples who don't things will not get better until you become pro-active in your marriage. 

Working on the marriage is just as important as any other aspect of your life.  Couples get too comfortable with each other and then forget that being sexy is not a given.  Taking the time to seduce each other in the marriage is the responsibility of both spouses.  The way that a man seduces a woman is different than how a woman seduces a man.  Women like to be touched outside of the bedroom, kissed, hugged, and spending time together before sex.  Men like this as well, but to really get a man's attention, putting on a sexy outfit or telling him in the morning that you want him when he gets home from work will do as well.

Take your calendar out and make a date night, get a babysitter and do something fun together.  Don't talk about past events that may bother you, when spending intimate time together talk about things that make you both happy.  All to often couples will make a date night and end up talking about the kids or past problems and it ends up ruining the evening. 

After an evening out take the time to re-connect and bring the spark back into your marriage, be pro-active and put your marriage first!

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