Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Married women who are unable to have orgasms with their husbands
This is a topic that is not discussed at ease; many times women just live with the fact that sex is not enjoyable.

Woman quick sketchImage by Johan31000 via FlickrThe truth is that sex is suppose to be enjoyable and if you are a woman who has not experienced an orgasm it can be extremely frustrating. The frustration can lead to not wanting to have sex or just having to get it over with. The human body especially the female body was designed by nature to enjoy sex that is why women have a clitoris. The sole function of the clitoris is for pleaser, hence orgasm. Orgasm is what brings a husband and wife closer together releasing the powerful hormone oxytocin.

Sexual frustration can come out in many ways, such as over eating, drinking, depression, moodiness, cramping during menstruation. Having orgasms can reduce stress, while making sex with your spouse an “Orgasmic Experience”. As a sex therapist and marriage counselor I am offering a 6 week course on female orgasm.

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